What would the rules be on that? I mean if the box has no ground and the iso ground runs back to the isolated buss in the panel with isolated cable using the insolated ground conductor would it pass? Also since an IG receptacle has the ground pin isolated from the rest of the receptacles some metal parts such as the tang would not be grounded as the screw grounds the the tang to the service grounded metal box. You can't use a bare ground in either BX or NM because it would compromise the system if it touches the panel box or metal sheath. The panel should have two grounding buss bars and one being isolated if anywhere in the wiring the grounds touch it's not isolated. If its L.I.M system however they can be joined and IG receptacles are not used. I once asked two different inspectors the same type of question and got two different answers. Best to call inspector who will be involved.Never seen an IG with two grounds but who knows.