Thank you for your replies and insight.
To the questions:
Flint MI - (manufacturing deportation center,USA)
business - res/comm/ind I know I'll have to start small (probably the smaller the better 'till I learn the ropes.)
Took a Mike Holt estimating class, very insightful but it didn't come with confidence.

lost - if I don't get past my stage fright I'll be looking for those stamps!

jps - Haven't ever heard of a "blue book". Sounds interesting

crw - You guys in PA must have had it tough a few years back, hope things constantly improve. I dont think I could look in the mirror if I didn't sign a letter of assent.

kentvw - I'm a little taken back you can do all that with excell, I will research.
Thanks for "the sparky" tip

getelectric - sometimes a guy can overthink a thing to death. Small gc for small jobs. I feel embarassed now. thanks