Within our manufacturing plant over the years as the plant expanded we have expanded our distributions system (loadcenters, panelboards, etc.)as well. Unfortunatly We ended up with somewhat of a haphazard identification system for them. Even though it is working, I don't like it.

I would like to know what kind of a system you find works best.

For instance in our case a breaker panel loacted at the fartherest end might start off from the MDP go through a 480 volt panel, through an in house transformer and through another panel or two till it finally comes to this panel. If I simply label this last panel "Panel G" it really tells me nothing except that it is panel G.

Should not each panel be ID'd in such a way that be reading the ID a person can tell which panels it is fed from?

I'd just like to know if there is a good straight forward system that works good.
