I have an electrically operated hydraulic valve. It has 2 solenoid on each end and is self centering when all elecricity is removed.

During normal operation the solenoid on one side is energized, moving the hydraulic spool over. When electicity is removed and applied to the other solenoid, the spool moves in the other direction.

My question is, If electricity were applied to both solenoids simultainiously (due to malfunctioning or incorrectly setup equipment), would it cause coil burn out? If it does, why does it? Does it overheat due to the iron core not being pulled into the center of the coil?
We had this senorio happen where due to setup error both coils were energized at he same time and after a short period of time one of the coils failed. However before the coil failed, the valve "seemed" to operate as normal except it would never stay in neutral. Apparently the one coil was stronger then the other and over rode the weaker one.

Does anyone have any insight on this?