I once had a helper that thought you could put up to 360 degrees of bends between fittings.
Actually that is exactly what the code wording said up until the '90 code. In the '90 code cycle a proposal pointed out that a coupling is a "fitting" per the Article 100 definition and that the code permitted up to 360° between "fittings". The '90 code replaced the word "fitting" with the words "pull point". This problem occurred because of a difference in the "code meaning" and the "field meaning" of the word "fitting". In the field this word is normally accepted to mean a "conduit body" and that was the intent of the usage in the code prior to 1990, but when you apply code rules you must always use the code meaning of the terms so the code rule was changed to make the rule match the code meanings and to make it enforceable.
