Massachusetts has adopted the 2020 as of Janruary 1st...

Some of the significant changes are...

230.85 Emergency Disconnect outside for 1 & 2 Family Dwellings

230.71 Single disconnect unless separate enclosures or compartmentalized equipment. No more 6-switches in one piece of equipment. Impacts meter-mains with 2 breakers and meter packs up to 6 mains. Manufacturers will need to redesign equipment if contractors are to continue the use...or a main switch is needed.

230.67 surge protection for dwelling units...and that is ALL dwelling units.

250.25 Supply-side connected enclosures (ie PV disconnect) need to be grounding like a Service Disconnect !!!

250.64(B)(2) requires SCH 80 for GEC protection if PVC is used.

210.8(A)& (B) has many new GFCI rules such as all basement receptacles including finished areas, dryers need GFCI and range receptacle if within 6ft of sink, and 210.8(F) all outdoor outlets ( Mass deleted this one)

That's just a few. There is alot of changes and reorganization. Things are not what and where they used to be. But table 310.15(B)(16) is back to 310.16 !!!

The softcover Code book cover is cheap without the prior gloss finish... well at least my first edition release is. I covered mine with sheets protectors in hopes it would last for 3-years.