Ahhh....fire jobs.....no thanks. One thing to watch out for though...the refrigerator.

To make a long story short, we did a fire job. Entire house cleaned out except for fully-stocked-with-meat fridege. Power was cut to house immediately after fire. House sits for 8 months before rebuild (all summer long-you know where this is going.)

The day we start the rewire they decide to clean out the fridge. GC removes contents of fridge (I don't know how!), runs to window over the dumpster, throws box filled with putrid liquified meat, misses the dumpster, and contents splatter all over the side of the house.

The smell? Words can't describe it. I was standing 5 feet away when it happened. I ended up crawling through a burnt out hole in the back of the house onto the roof to escape. My boss was on the front lawn ready to pass out.
