Originally Posted by sparkyinak
Thoses are fine for me Reno. My situation is in order to access or to inspect the j box, will require the un-wiring and removal of the light then the cover. The light is connected by a 1/2" nipple through the box cover

OK, now Im on the same page with ya. I seem to feel that there is something about a 2" 'hole' to provide access to the wiring in a box that a luminaire is mounted over. Like a strip fluorescent fixture surface mounted over a flush mounted box. (Wish I could draw)

Now....where did I see that???

Thinking back (years)....what we here on the east coast called a 'wrap around' surface mount 2 or 4 lamp F40 fluorescent....thought there was a large (2") KO centered in the wiring cover?
Hmmmm; any one with a good memory?

Last edited by HotLine1; 05/16/12 11:37 PM.
