So I'm sitting here tonight watching one of my favorite TV shows (Ghost Hunters). The team is investigating reports of apparitions in an old house.

They bring in all kinds of paranormal-detecting hardware, cameras, cables, microphones, you name it. They put on an impressive show. They then move to the basement with their hand-held EMF detectors and note high readings in the area of the home's two circuit breaker panels. They then follow along the 3/4" copper water lines that run throughout the basement, noting again that the EMF readings in the vicinity of these pipes are high.

Keep in mind: These guys are supposedly 'plumbers' for Roto-Rooter as their day job.

Their conclusion is that the apparitions are only appearing in areas of the house where these water pipes are running beneath. They feel that these high EMF readings are being caused due to the fact that the electrical system is grounded (their word, not mine) to the water pipes. "This grounding is causing high EMF readings that can be causing the apparitions in the rooms above the pipes".

Their solution? They instructed the homeowner to contact an electrician to have all of this electrical 'grounding' removed from the copper water pipes to eliminate the high EMF.

Yeah, OK. That sounds like a perfect solution. And here I had been thinking for years of watching this show that these guys had some level of credibility. So much for that.


"But the guy at Home Depot said it would work."