
Most ECs here don't touch POCO owned street lighting. Some 'Private' communities have HOA owned road lighting, which are the same as other site lights. The POCO is even installing site lighting on private property (shopping centers), with flat rate pricing including power, maintenance and replacement as required.

We came upon some utility owned site lighting (retail center) that was HPS, 1000 watt with a unusual dual element bulb. I don't know anything other than the bulb info.

A new management company took over the site, called me for lighting maintenance. My crew arrived at the site (1st & last time), located the "downed pole", secures & safe off. I arrived shortly after, drove around the center, saw what I know as POCO wattage code stickers on the pole heads. I called the POCO contact, gave him the info, & we left. Needless to say....first & last trip.
