A concern i haven't had to really consider down to specifics before is the weight of a conduit run with wire installed

Best i can do is ring up what i'd call hang weight>


for example, via this chart, 4/0AL X 4 = 780lb's per 1000 feet

All fine and well, but what about the pull weight during the install? i'm not sure how to calculate that, if there's any calc at all?

I would think any conduit install, be it individual clips, beeline, kindorf , or whatever , would need to be sized and installed toward a pull weight vs. the XXX required NEC attachments per ft.

Further, the roofing system it's all hung to has to be able to handle it too. Most industrial roofing here is required to have an XXX per foot snow load capacity

am i off in the worry wart stratosphere here?
