Originally Posted by radiationman
can you make an estimation?

a while back i read somewhere that wifi @ 5 meter would be 0,15V/m, that is something i could live with.

but if a Cell Tower would radiate the whole appartment at for example 2,15V/m, then i would find that a bit much.

what do you think?

answers are very much appreciated!
they mean a lot to me.

You are putting out numbers. Does that mean you have a means of measuring them? If so, why don't you measure them yourself?


As far as "radiation", there are several types of radiation and different types have different affects. Ionizing radiation from Uranium and the like can spit out Alpha particles, Beta and Gamma radiation and Neutrons. Each one of these _can_ cause damage but _won't necessarily_ cause damage. Alot of it depends on where it hits your body, how much radiation is present, how much energy the specific type of radiation has at the time of collision, and what that specific cell of your body is doing at the time of collision.

Our bodies are getting hit with ionizing radiation all of the time. You are receiving it from the SUN, other stars, the rocks around you, the bananas you eat, the cigars and cigarettes people smoke, the person sleeping next to you, the steel in you car, medical x-rays, etc. IT'S EVERYWHERE!

Non-ionizing radiation comes from all electrical and magnetic fields. Kind of hard to avoid them on our planet. Not to mention Visible and non-visible light.


Just realize that the universe is out to kill you and eventually it will succeed. grin

Go for the ride and enjoy it as long as you can.

Larry C