This is direct from ESA last month. Please note this is the CANADIAN code forum. Rules are different in NEC world.

If wiring a dedicated circuit can 1/2 of a multiwire circuit be used as a dedicated circuit.

Example can a 14/3 be pulled to the fridge receptacle and black and white for fridge and then red and white used for lighting?

Is a double pole breaker required or can two singles be used if proper installed on opposite legs of the service?

--- (yousefr) 9/16/2010 9:48:36 AM
1. Each side of a 3-wire circuit can be considered as a separate dedicated circuit if they are properly connected to different phases and have common neutral.

2. Yes, a double pole breaker or two singles can be used (if properly installed on opposite legs of the service) for a 3-wire circuit.

Reference is to the Ontario Electrical Safety Code 24th Edition/2009.

Ray Yousef
Assistant Code Engineer

Last edited by jdevlin; 10/28/10 04:06 PM.