This is a new service from U/L, sent to me by Bryan Holland

With the assistance of numerous internal stakeholders, the Regulatory Services Department has facilitated the development of an Internet-based tool identified as the ULtimate Fire Wizard that allows architects, designers and code authorities to quickly and easily locate fire-resistance-rated assembly designs that meet their project specifications.

For almost 60 years, architects, designers and code authorities have relied on UL fire-resistance-rated wall, floor-ceiling, roof-ceiling, column and beam designs for safe, code-compliant installations. With hundreds of UL designs to choose from, selecting the optimum one for a construction project meant hours of searching through UL product directories.

The ULtimate Fire Wizard was designed from the ground up with the user in mind. It incorporates a simple three-step process to significantly reduce the time needed to identify suitable designs. A user first enters design parameters using the Wizard’s convenient pull down menus, then views designs that meet the search parameters, and finally select the designs that best meet project specifications. A search summary can then be viewed or printed.

To access the ULtimate Fire Wizard, go to

Please take a few minutes to explore all the feature of the ULtimate Fire Wizard.

Please share with Building and Fire Inspectors.

Greg Fretwell