I did look at that site but I was looking at the size and price. I think the 120v micro inverter may be the best system for homeowners dabbling in the technology, simply because it is plug and go. You can add on as your wallet permits.

I wonder how GFCIs deal with power coming "in"? In real life I assume they don't know the difference as long as the hot and neutral are balanced.

I am guessing that if you wanted to start hanging micros on your roof, all the EC would do is sell you a bunch of receptacles across the roof with in use covers.
The immediate concern would be derating the wire in the raceways. Other than that is would be the same as the any other receptacle outside as far as I see. (GFCI circuit, in use cover and a "wet location" device in a Bell box)

I was also thinking about how you could kick start these if the utility was down. I wonder if you had a regular 12v > 120 inverter (maybe also solar powered) you could switch on line after you isolated the PV system from the utility and the bulk of the house load if it woulds kick in and generate full power.

Greg Fretwell