Just recently I was asked to give a bid on a electrical upgrade for a house used as a summer residence. Upon inspecting the residence I find it is powered by knob n Tube which is to be removed and replaced with a modern system, now since this is house is all open framed inside re wiring the house with romex would be acceptable as long as all wiring follows all the framing members only, no running wires between studs or any open area's. Now I have been asking the local code inspector, and the senior code inspector aswell as my old school instructor if it is ok to use a metalic cable with a ground wire included with the other pre installed conductors inside , to be able to run this between studs and framing members and not have to just follow the framing members of the home, but, to just drill out holes and run between the studs and such, While they are searching the code books for an answer I was currious if anybody new off hand the answer to this?