A landlord has a commercial building with a demand meter for the entire building. One tenant has a separate, customer owned demand meter, which the landlord is to read and bill the tenant for the tenants usage. The meter is electronic.

How do you read and reset a demand meter?

Another tenant, a tanning salon, wants to install a meter for their own power, too. They don't want to use a demand meter.

Is it worthwhile insisting that the second tenant install a demand meter?

Off topic, the tanning salon had an electrician install current transformers on their feeders. They are donut style with two wires out of each ct. The wires end in a box awaiting connection to a meter. The wires are taped in pairs and the ends aren't visible and may not be shorted. If they aren't shorted, what kind of voltage would be on the wires if the load is a 100 or 200 amps?