This whole thing gets fixed in 18 months wink

5-306 Log #4605 NEC-P05 Final Action: Accept
Submitter: Frederic P. Hartwell, Hartwell Electrical Services, Inc.
Recommendation: Insert the words “or nut” after “thread locking or screw”
and before “locking means and”.
Substantiation: This addition will clarify that the knurled nut surfaces now
commonly provided with raised covers meet this requirement. Otherwise the
terminology can be read to insist on something that actually engages the screw,
such as a lock washer under the screw head (“screw locking”), or something
which actually engages the threads (“thread locking”), such as a jam nut.
Panel Meeting Action: Accept
Number Eligible to Vote: 16
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 16

That is one thing about the current way the code works. If you don't like something, wait a minute.

But that still may bring up questions about listing and/or labeling.


Greg Fretwell