GOOD GRIEF! Has it been there, in OUR store, all along?

Bill, I am humbled .... and I bet it's perfect for this place. Best of all, I can set it exactly where I know the water will be next time.

BTW ... there are some business lessons in this little mess.

We called the alarm company .... after looking through their stuff, the guy admitted that they DID have the capability, he even had a sensor in his shop, but he can't recall ever installing one. Hello missed sales!

The cleaning crew's opinion as to what had to be done / should be done, etc., seemed to change dramatically whether they thought the bill would be paid by us, or the insurance company. This really undermines the customers' confidence. Maybe part of the problem is that they see the insured and the insurance carrier as two different 'customers.' What I think should have happened, at the earliest stages of the clean-up, was that the lead man should have immediately sat down with the occupants and explained, in detail, what needed to be done, what his plan of action was, and the expected expense. If there was anything the customer could do to help (say, bringing in fresh air or raising the thermostat), that should have been mentioned.

Just as important, they should have explained whatever secondary damage was anticipated - such as damage to baseboards and fixing vent holes placed in the walls - exactly who gets to fix it, and when that might happen.