...furthermore, to achieve the long life, a CFL should remain on for at least 15 minutes, otherwise its life will be no better than an incandescent. So the bathroom, garage, utility, pantry, cupboard and other short-visit rooms will eat bulbs.

And CFLs dim over their life. The 'standard' for the claimed 'life' is when the output reaches 50% of new. With tungsten bulbs you simply tossed them out when the bulb showed signs of darkening or it went phut. On that basis, the mean actual output over the life of a CFL will only be around 30% of an 'equivalent' tungsten bulb. At ten to twenty times the price, the low energy bulb is a scam. mad
The fact is, Joe Public doesn't want them, which is why so many Eu-Pocos are giving them away.

Wood work but can't!