Try 4 dogs, 1 cat, 1 lovebird, 3 children and 1 hubby + me:
- Chelsea (black lab, 4.5 yrs old, somewhat neurotic & needs stuffed toy for comfort)
- Big Nose, Brown Dog/aka Rusty (chocolate lab, 5 months old, happy-go-lucky guy w/ a soft mouth & hearty appetite)
- Sissy (1-eyed, 8 yr. old black & white shi-tzu, grump du jour)
- Holly (developmentally 'challenged', happy-go-lucky, eating machine in a brindle & white shi-tzu body)
- Butterscotch (1 yr old kitten, runs the entire house & really digs catnip, toys, food, lounges by the door to make sure dogs know she's inside & they're not, and wants to be first for everything)
- Luke (colorful lovebird, hates being last for everything & makes a real racket about it, tattles on Butterscotch every chance he gets)
- 7yr old boy, 2 6yr old girls, 1 46 yr old boy, & me, queen Bee