At work we will be bending some steel pipes (1/2", 1" and 2").
We will be using a Bramley hydraulic bender, one like I haven't used in years.
I can't for the life of me remember, how it is that you calculate the amount of steel actually taken up by the bend itself.

I used to know this stuff off by heart at one time, but obviously, if you aren't using this sort of theory every day, it tends to slip your mind.

What we will be doing is making up a series of pipes with 90 degree bends at each end, these need to be done without cutting or welding any bits in after the bends have been made.
These pipes and bends need to be pretty much spot-on, so guessing is not really an option.

Can anyone please help?, I've looked all over the internet, but all people want to do is sell me benders.
