At least 365 funny stories a year.

For 12/10/02: THIS IS TRUE!

Contractor: (Radio Call)Where are working this morning?

Reply: Got State Fire, City Fire and Electrical inspection at the restaurant in about 45 minutes... why?

Contractor: Mr. Ponder called and said he has been trying to reach you all morning and last night but never got you. It's some type of emergency and wants you to call him NOW!

Reply: Sorry, got home from work at 11pm and left at 7 this morning. Give me the the number and I'll call right now.


Mr. Ponder: Hello

Reply: Hi this is Ron, John called and said you were trying to reach me. What is the problem?

Mr. Ponder: Yes I needed to ask you what was the best type of bulb to shine on my front door to light up my Christmas wreath and where could I get one?