I have to fess up & admit this:

I have not seen any permits for replacement of a cb. And, honestly, I never gave it any thought until I'm reading this thread.

We have treated a replacement cb (like for like) as a repair. I'm not aware of any area that is requiring a permit, and I'll kick this around with other AHJ's at the next meeting.

Would I fine anyone for doing it? NO!

As to the panel change (no permit), if it's a first offense, a 'go get a permit' verbal. Second time would be a different story. And so on....

BTW, fines can range up to $2000.

Wed/Thurs nite I'm going over the highlights of the UCC, and whatelse other then the NEC is the EC's responsibilities. (My NEC Code class at Vo-Tech)

I'm surprised at the response to this thread
