This job is now in the books...And always in my memory. I posted a few pics of it on, along with a few other jobs, I've done with more sucess. As far as being cleaar as glass about cutting the wire I accept that I wasn't crystal clear..Next time I know better..
This was a relatively cheap lesson, nobody was hurt, and the amount of damages was relatively low compared to what may have been. I am very thankfull that there weren't any offices with lots of computers and fancy electronics etc. the total loss was 6 power supplies from pc's, 7 ballasts, and about 6 unit heater transformers, also 2 fax machines and a phone. I felt like I was in a south west airlines commercial, cause i wanted to get away!! But i will never forget ever what i learned. the extra 10 minutes it would have taken to verify every tenant panel would have been easy, and cheaper in hindsight than rushing to restore power and heat