Originally Posted by Nev
The Argument I'm having here in Australia is that supposable when the industry was deregulated in NZ the number of electrical related deaths decreased.

I'd like to see some figures that back that claim up.
I can't find any statistics off-hand that go that far back, to 1990 and forward to say, 1994 and I would be interested to see where these figures were referenced from.

I have sent an e-mail to the ESS here and will see what they can tell me.
Also bear in mind that there has been a few changes to the electrical safety regime here in this period of time,
accident reporting systems are also a lot more advanced here than what they were back then too.

I have to agree with you when you say that any Government should not have the right to say what you can and cannot do in your own place.
I would draw the line in this circumstance, where the work done by a person in their own house, could affect the safety of other users on the same electricity network.
I know something like this is rather rare, but it has happened before.