And just one more tip, if you have been away from the production construction end for a while. you may want to check with your insurance provider, and see how much more it will cost you to do this type of work, two years ago they increased the rates for anyone working on townhouses, and condos, and tract housing, both the liability if you can even get it and the comp rates are out of this world, a lot of guys never check on their coverages, and if their insurance company finds out they are doing any of the at risk projects, they will pay and pay and may never get covered again, take care and good luck.

What started these large increases in insurance costs were, contractors hiring poor trainned help, that caused large claims for projects that went bad, and along with the increased numbers of job site injuries, the undrewriters were forced to adjust the rates. In some cases the coverages can cost more then the jobs total worth, this caused many less then professional builders to seek out anyone qualified or not.

Last edited by LK; 04/05/08 11:11 AM.