There are a few advantages ....

The first is, your town may have zoning rules that preclude using your home as your business location.

Then, it's nice to be able to leave work at ... work. This is especially true once you grow a bit and have a few others working on your behalf.

A "real" office tends to make a positive impression on all you encounter. It's nice to have the room to set up a table just for reading prints, a bench for testing / repairing fixtures, etc. Most likely, you will want to park your truck inside at night.

The downside? Money. Make sure your rates are set to cover your operating costs. Utilities are going to be a shocker. You WILL want an alarm system.

On a side note, it sounds like you're about to make a big step .... why not stop by the chat room, and bounce your ideas off a few who've been there already?