Balloon Framing was a technique that gained popularity around Chicago as lumber sizes became standardized.
the studs ran all the way to the top of the building and notches were then cut into them to accept a 1X4 which would be the support for the floor joists which were also notched to fit over the 1X and then also nailed to the stud

I you can picture that, it also made a very nice plenum from the basement to the roof ! fire would eventually burn the whole city down in a very short time. you may have read about it.

the solution was to install "fire stops" which was nothing more than blocking between the studs, at right around 48" , cry
which always made remodeling EVERYTHING residential in and around Chicago an exercise in ingenuity, alternating with frustration and rage, because a lot of bathrooms and kitchens also had tile to ran up to 50" try not breaking that stuff as you cut through tile, plaster, wire lath, and the damn firestop
