I like using a Wooden Foldable Rule for things like marking the mounting height for Receptacles and Switches
(like a Story Pole),
along with Conduit work
(measurements to a given spot for bends, depth of saddles, also when making multiple similar saddles, offsets or 90's).

Had a really bitchen one which sprouted legs and ran off around 1998. Brought it out rarely to avoid the "Run-Away" situation as long as possible!
Had it from 1982 to 1998 - making it the longest period of time I held onto a Measuring Device before it was broken or disappeared / MIA. <Yeah, Baby!!!> [Linked Image]

I have several measures now, ranging from a 16' "thin blade" Klein, to a 100' "roll" tape.
I use a bright orange " 'El Cheap-O " 25' "fat blade" tape on the job, which so far has not vanished!

Have to deal with not just people in the field taking off with tools, but my Father tends to grab tools, then toss them into his Van when finished. They end up inside one of the many "Potpourri" boxes, so instead of searching aimlessly for days, I just go buy a new tool.

BTW, where can I find another kick a** Wooden Folding Measure? Something about 15' long with 1" minimum width.

Scott s.e.t.

Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!