On Dec.31, 2007 we started a basement rough. The HO asked when we would be returning to finish. I said Wednesday Jan.2, 2008. She asked what time and I said, "7am".

She said she wanted to leave by 6:30a so I said I would be there before 6:30am.

I arrived at 6:20a, knocked on the door, rang the bell but no answer. After 10 minutes I called the superintendant and got his voicemail. Called the GC, got his voicemail.

So I sat in my van waiting for a callback. The HO calls at 7:20a and says, "I called your office yesterday and left a message saying I was leaving yesterday and that you would need to make arrangements with the GC's superintendant to arrange access." Now, she called the office on NEW YEARS DAY (a holiday).

The HO also called the superintendant and left him a message saying she was leaving early and that he (super) would need to let me into the house. However, she never gave either of us a code for the garage and he doesn't have a key to the house.

So, we got into the house and finished the rough. I faxed over my invoice for the rough draw and I added a C/O for 2 hours of downtime (2 guys, 1 hour). GC calls and says he is not paying for this. I said, "I don't think you should. However, the HO will need to." He said, "You made the arrangements outside of our office. This is between you and the HO. I'll show her your fax and she can pay you if she wants."

Now, since the super. didn't have any means for access what difference does it make who made the arrangements ? The HO still was the one who changed the pre-arranged time.

The GC is still responsible for access. He should have had a key on site or given all subs a garage code.

I thought it was funny....