This is my read.

From the link:
Depending on the size of the mat that is being installed, a dedicated circuit without GFCI protection may be required.

Some of the mats are 240 volts due to their large size. The exterior GFCI requirement from 210.8(A) and (B) only applies to 125 volt, 15 and 20 amp circuits. Although it is not required for larger circuits, the property owner needs to decide the level of liability they are willing to take with the mat, especially if the mat is going to be in a public area. I presume these mats are tough but not bullet proof. With shoe cleats, high heals, and just general traffic will eventually damage it. Although it has ELCI protection, it is not the same as GFCI protection. ELCI has a higher tripping point. If a 240 volt mat were to be used, I would consider using a GFCI breaker especially if there is anything conductive within hands reach where the mat was going to be installed and the level of relaibility in that the mat will be properly inspected.

"Live Awesome!" - Kevin Carosa