This issue of counterfeit breakers vexes me - especially because It's going to get worse long before it gets better.

As the contractors and electricians, we have no control over the breakers we instal ... we are stuck dealing with the annointed dealer in our area for the appropriate brand of panel. I guarantee that the local electrician isn't cruising flea markets for breakers.

Nor are the 'counterfeits' readily distinguishable from 'real' ones. The 'fake' markings in this example are exactly what the legitimate breakers used to have.

For counterfeit breakers to be sold, there HAS to be the active participation of the importer, the distributors, and the vendor. They KNOW from whom that are supposed to be buying the breakers. There needs to be sanctions ... either legal, or civil, against these parties.

Here's a thought: Breaker makers - how about changing the way you do business? Could these black / gray market issues perhaps be the bastard children of an obsolete distribution method? How about selling DIRECT to the user?

Likewise ... how about developing a field-usable device that lets us test breakers to NEMA specs? As it is, the breaker is a 'black box,' and we can only trust that there's a wizard inside. Ditto for AFCI functions.