Although I can see the logic in their thinking, That is just dumb. There is other things they can do instead of making everyone take down the signs.

Back in Michigan years ago, a local citizen turn his house and property into a anti political poster by placing litterly 100's of signs on his house, trees, and lawn that took pot shots and the city's government. From his popularity and not wanting everyone else jumping on the bandwagon, the city council pass a sign ordinanace and made it public knowledge that it will be enforced. In typical fashion, they were short sighted with it and wound up effecting local businesses.

One of them was a car dealer who had tall flagpole for a huge American they flew in the summer time. In the winter the winds were too strong. It was an awesome site rolling into town and the big flag was fliping in the wind like watching it in slow motion. The ordinance was written to include flags in general. Even though they had the flag prior to the ordinance. The city threatened legal action because it exceeded the dimensions allowed and the flag in their opinion was erected after the ordinance was put in place. In other words, if the dealer raised and left the flag on the pole prior to the ordinance, there was no problem. Since they raised or "erected" in the spring after the ordinance was passed, the dealer was in violation of the ordinanace.

"Live Awesome!" - Kevin Carosa