The best, ther very best one I ever saw went like this. A host (female) and a gentleman with an electricians toolbelt demonstrating the hanging of an exterior carriage stye wall mount light fixture. After mounting a metal pancake box into the opening he carved into the siding, (no connector on box, just the ko, and 12-2 size cable) he attached the hanger bar. Then he starts explaining that the existing wires are too long, so he cuts em to about 1" or so long and strips the ends. Next he stated that we don't need that bare one and he folded it up and pushed it back as far under the hanger bar as it would go. Then he finished installing the fixture, and made a big show of caulking around it to prevent if from leaking water into the inside of it which might be dangerous. This was on HGTV channel by the way.

Last edited by macmikeman; 12/01/07 03:06 PM.