
What do you like to do? What are you good at? If you suddenly got $10,000,000 what would you do with the rest of your life?

Work is where you are going to spend more time awake, than anywhere else in your life (for the forseeable future), hopefully it is somewhere you want to be, and doing something you like doing.

Figure out what you enjoy doing and then determine how to get there.

If you don't really know, consider the military. Not everybody who enlists goes to a battlefield. I spent 6 years in the Navy where I learned how to operate nuclear power plants. I learned alot in multiple technical fields, met some very good people, and some real a**holes. The military can be a good and bad thing. If you have the maturity, you can learn alot, earn some money, see some of the world, and get out with a better understanding of what you do and do not want to do with your life. The military is not for everybody but it usually only three to six years.

Another alternative to full time at the University is night classes at the local community college. The advantages are multiple. It is cheaper, some of the Instructors are real world working adults that can give you in sight to the working world, and usually some of your classmates are also working adults.

The best advice I can give you is to keep your ears open and listen to the other people out there. Most people are willing to help you.

Good Luck.

Larry C