I think .... and I don't mean any disrespect ... that these pools are but one of many, many items that we're beginning to see that challenge the limits of governmental propriety.

I can blame my neighbor for this ... you see, he has a pool like this. He also has a few inflatable 'bounce houses.' And one of those new, nice screen house / gazebo things. Don't forget the tent like 'garage' he has covering his parking space. Nor should we overlook the massive BBQ / cooking center.
To further complicate the picture, much of this stuff gets packed up, and used at various church and school events. A few small side businesses, some fund raising.

Now, so far he's just been able to set up, operate, tear down. I guarantee that there are no licenses, permits, or inspections. It is a certainty that the health department has yet to see the grilling stand he's been setting up at football practice. The child care minions are blissfully ignorant of his bounce house. None of his 'remote' set-ups have ever complied with the NEC's 'carnival and fairground' rules.

Neither the tent set up in the back yard for 'camping', nor the screen 'gazebo', come close to meeting NEC requirements for dwellings ... a simple extension cord, and you're set. Imagine- a tent, a sleeping space ... with no AFCI! laugh

I think we have to draw the line somewhere, as to just how intrusive government ought to be ... and expect folks to be responsible for their own choices.

More specifically, we have a bit of a code conflict here: The "Swimming Pool" code says pool rules don't apply, while the NEC asserts that they do. Houston, we have a problem .... and it's not of the homeowners' making!