Originally Posted by ITO
How do you handle the jobs that go in the crapper?

So far I've not done anything negative. I analyze the job and go over it with them and encourage. I remind them that they blew an opportunity to make some money etc. Some people are motivated, some could care less and just want a check. Those don't hang around long.

Originally Posted by ITO
How do you handle a job that lasts for years?
I don't do such jobs. Our largest jobs only run maybe six months.

Originally Posted by ITO
How do you handle labor that finds out the job is in the hole?
What do you mean? Trying to beg off the job? They work where I need them.

Originally Posted by ITO
How do you handle labor that is fired or quits halfway through the job?
If they are fired or quit I keep the bonus.

I don't have all the answers. I am leaning towards cutting their pay for losing jobs according to their time on the job. The same formula that is applied when they win. I suspect that would do more harm than good but I'm not totally opposed to it. It just hasn't been a real issue yet. When I determine I've got a guy with a production/attitude problem, I replace him, after giving him motivational talks first. If he doesn't improve after a few talks he's a goner. Sooner if he's got an attitude problem.