Thanks for the replies guys. As to new vs. existing install.... yes and yes. We originally pulled 12 drops in a second floor residential addition. A couple of the drops were specified as doubles, and that info was lost by the time it got to the installers. It was caught by the homeowner and I told him we would pull those additional cables. In the mean time he talked to his IT guy at the office who told him ethernet only uses 2 pair, so he decided don't worry about pulling additional cables and while we're at it, why not just make all the jacks doubles, just in case. So that's where we're at.

None of this is for anything specific, it is all just for future sake, as per owner. As far as I'm concerned there is no difference between pulling a jack out and plugging the port, or stealing a pair if needed, just that the modification is made in the reverse order as to what is needed, just that in doing this way is what the owner wants. Commercial, I would put up a lot more resistance to veering off the standard.