The actual phone number itself, was a mere formality in hind-sight.
Moved in here and the telephone hadn't been used in 5-6 years and was still the old 3-wire system.
But the real problem was that any call I made, the person on the other end couldn't hear me properly and the audio level at my end was shocking.
Got the local Telecom contractor in to look at it and he said that it must be my phone that's faulty.
I disagreed and said that he never even bothered to test the line at all.
3 days later and still the problem wasn't fixed so I rang a mate of mine who used to work for Telecom as a faults/exchange tech on the phone to let him know what the line quality was like.
During our call there was a disconnection tone in the background, and my mate reckoned that there was a crossed line with someone down the road.
Got the contractor back and sure enough that fixed it, meanwhile in the hiatus without having a working phone line, I ripped out all the 3-wire sockets and wiring and replaced it all with new stuff using a 2-wire system.
Phone works well but the broadband connection is a bit dodgy, with regular line drops (usually when I'm typing an important e-mail or uploading some files to the work computer).
I can live with it though, I think. crazy