Originally Posted by mhulbert
OK, I apologize, after setting my preferences, things are quite a bit better. I still have my complaints, which I'll keep quiet about, but overall, this is a great forum.

Truth be known there are things I don't like about it too, but I have hopes I can change some of them as time goes by.

Regarding the need to upgrade - the old software was no longer supported and lacked some features that would help make the Forum better. One was the ability to make important threads or announcements 'sticky' (remain at the top) so that all the Members would get to see it.

Another was the ability for the Members to PM (private message) each other which means their email addresses would no longer be accessible by spambots - and as a bonus - with this BB PMs can be sent and shared among multiple users.

This particular software was decided upon because it came from the same company as the old version and looked the most promising for a seamless upgrade. Most may not realize it, but the addresses of all the old threads have changed. This software had some redirect scripts built in, and with a little tweaking we managed to keep all past thread available and active without having to archive anything or have any dead links.

I'm resistant to change too and put off the upgrade for a long time, but overall I feel it was the best move we could have made.
