
The link provided was dead (timed out).

Not sure of the interface / connector for your peripheral, so here are the pinouts for a few common types:

1: USB

Pin #1: "Vcc" (+ 5VDC)
Pin #2: "D-" (Data -)
Pin #3: "D+" (Data +)
Pin #4: "GND" (Ground)


2: Ethernet 10/100Base-T

Pin #1: "TX+" (Transceive Data +)
Pin #2: "TX-" (Transceive Data -)
Pin #3: "RX+" (Receive Data +)
Pin #4: -n/c- (Not Connected)
Pin #5: -n/c- (Not Connected)
Pin #6: "RX-" (Receive Data -)
Pin #7: -n/c- (Not Connected)
Pin #8: -n/c- (Not Connected)


3: IrDA

Pin #1: "+5V" (Power)
Pin #2: -n/c- (Not Connected)
Pin #3: "IRRX" (IR Module Data Receive)
Pin #4: "GND" (System Ground)
Pin #5: "IRTX" (IR Module Data Transmit)


4: DB-9 Serial

Pin #1: "CD" (Carrier Detect)
Pin #2: "RXD" (Receive Data)
Pin #3: "TXD" (Transmit Data)
Pin #4: "DTR" (Data Terminal Ready)
Pin #5: "GND" (System Ground)
Pin #6: "DSR" (Data Set Ready)
Pin #7: "RTS" (Request To Send)
Pin #8: "CTS" (Clear To Send)
Pin #9: "RI" (Ring Indicator)


If your Port's connector is different than what is listed here, please reply with a description.


Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!