Well it seems to be getting worse...

Ad hominem attacks are usually a last resort when one can bring nothing of substance to a debate.

I can't imagine what the logo on someones truck has to do with their competency.


It has also been implied that us "non-ESI" types don't return phone calls promptly, don't stand behind their work and that most customers want same day service and are willing to pay a premium for it.
I have no dispatcher, but I have a cell phone. If I'm not carrying it, I check it hourly. Most missed calls are returned within about an hour, the others are returned by the next morning. I can only think of a few times in the past 5 years when a customer couldn't wait for my service, and I'd expect them to go elsewhere. I'd even refer them to someone else. Some people will pay a premium for faster (not necessarily better) service, but all things being equal, I personally would wait a few days and pay $2,000.00 for a service upgrade than pay $4,000.00 to have it done today.

I have one full-time man with benefits (medical, hoildays, vacation) and I am on the verge of hiring my second one. So far, I haven't needed gimmicks.
My overhead costs are simply not that high, and my prices reflect what I need to sustain minor growth. That is all I'm after right now. If things change, maybe I'll change.
Until then...

"Why can't we all just get along"

[This message has been edited by Redsy (edited 04-17-2006).]