Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
A "friend" GC has, on several occasions, not paid me my final payment because he "hasn't gotten paid yet".
After a year or so, and "writing off" the money he owed me, I decide to do a job for him again, with the understanding that I get paid BY HIM when I finish.
Needless to say, he noe tells me that when he "settles up" with the customer, I'll get my final payment.

All lectures aside [Linked Image]...

I have about 4 hours worth of work left, which includes extras which the homeowner has been promptly paying me for. Along with their final "options" bill, I am considering giving them a final bill for the basic wiring and telling them to deduct it from their final payment to the GC.

Any thoughts?

[This message has been edited by Redsy (edited 03-02-2006).]