You will never get an insurance company to turn a claim down for any reason other than fraud. Had a customer with a broken riser on her service due to a falling tree. Repaired the riser but when the inspector came he condemned the service panel because a diy had added a sub panel. On the way out the door he turned to the customer and stated, "And you'll not be covered by your homeowners insurance until that service is changed". Result? The customer (elderly lady) went bonkers and we had to drop everybody else in order to do her job right away and calm her down. I called the state insurance commissioner and asked him if that was possible and the answer was that an insurance policy was a contract and would always be honored, work done by code or not. If the insurance companies could deny claims for these kinds of reasons they would figure out a way to deny all claims. What a mess that would be. Education is the answer. they have to know that they may end up paying twice for the same job if not more since we have to undue the mess first. I hope to cover these situations on my website and get the customers to visit it during the quote process.
Active 1 said it right when he stated that we shouldn't waste our time with those customers. We'll see them down the road anyway.