since this company has not taken corrective action fact, myself and others have been asked to help the guy when he has a is my feeling that since they hired him, he is their problem.

He has exhibited the knack for making expanded decisions based on simple instructions ...... the stupid multi-tap lighting fiasco.. and the mind blowing fan shroud repairs

I will not contribute to the education of the "incompetent person AKA Doofy , AKA Doofy14, and have refused to work on anything he is involved with.

I avoid even eye contact with him, as it would only encourage him to speak with me, and I have nothing positive to say ...

That's all I need .
give this mope some help, have something go terribly wrong, and he whines that "Tom told me to do it that way " and I would bet that it would be my azz in the sling,

I have enough headaches
