Eddy Current,
I have to disagree(for Ontario)as there are loopholes.I work all trades do all jobs.
Last week the two electricians were changing light bulbs while the engineers changed out 600v 30a motors.
Go figure they had no idea what fittings were needed and called me to show them.
I've seen sealtite ran over 100' with ac90 run through it and entire assembly lines HOT from bad splices and no grounds plus lots more.

On the flip side I'm an industrial electrician who goes on shift alone in charge of a 1500hp powerhouse at night.
You only have to be a licensed electrician if you contract in ontario.We don't hide it either,jobs get inspected and TSSA knows I work as a shift engineer.
There is a bill,C140 I believe that holds management responsible for the workers actions.
Basically if a non licensed worker is put on a job and gets hurt or kills someone the manager goes to jail.
This bill came into being as a result of the westray mine disaster where many people died horrid deaths as a result of self described worker competence.
IMHO this is a joke.
Try to explain why a plumber shouldn't wire an MCC and a sparky shouldn't run a 400hp boiler(BIG BOMB) to a business oriented MBA.You just can't.
In Ontario Canada if the worker believes he's competent and the manager agrees there no reason not to do any job.How can you call yourself competent for a specific task that you have never preformed?.
All trades end up cross trained just enough to be dangerous and liable in this atmosphere.
Trades are specialized by their very nature.

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[This message has been edited by Trumpy (edited 10-13-2006).]