I have been without a job for a week, as an EC.
I was asked to go out and hook up a 22kV Transformer, with my PPE, that's OK, I don't have a problem with that.
But my Boss asked me to take an Apprentice Electrician (who has only been on the job 3 weeks)to show him the ropes in Line work!.
I said, NO WAY!, where are his Gloves?
"Oh, he shouldn't need them!" I was told by my Boss.
I asked the boy if he had ever climbed a pole, he said no, apparently he was scared of hieghts.
He was then told to {quote}"For Christ sakes Toughen Up Lad!"{end quote} by my Boss.
Personally I have no time for Dinosaurs like this guy!.
Up-shot of it all, it descended into a really nasty argument and I went home, got my car, unloaded my tools out of my van and said see ya later!.
I will not be talked down to, by a guy that has never done any HV work.
Also, how would it look for me if young Lee or me had been killed through not wearing the correct PPE?.
Also, the young fella, wasn't doing a Line Mechanics Apprenticeship, he should not be anywhere near a pole, regardless of wether I am supervising him or not.
I left with my dignity!. [Linked Image]