I'm pretty sore at the moment.
I've got huge bruises all over my body, and I am wearing a plaster cast on my leg.
This was after having a Utility pole snap on me and the cross-arm hit me in the right leg and snapped it.
Had I not been wearing the Pole belt and strap, this could have been avoided, considering that I was trying to access an LV pole fuse that had blown.
I was way out in the middle of nowhere, the house was a good half a mile away.
I managed to get to the truck and get help, after getting a 300kg+ pole off my leg and I drove to the nearest house and told them what had happened.
After that I passed out.
All I remember was a fellow Faultsman that was working in the area, woke me up and got me to Hospital.
If you are looking at this Ian, thanks Heaps!!!!!!