Over here last week, there was an incident that really caught my eye.
A boy from up North in Rotorua, climbed a Walnut tree that was close to some 11kV lines, apparently he was able to touch the said lines.
This was his downfall, he touched one of these lines and recieved horrific burns and other such injuries.
In the news, it was said that the power company was all to blame, for placing a pole(it had a Xformer on it too) so close to a tree and also the local council was to blame, for not cutting the tree down, with it being so close to the lines.
The mother of the boy, blames both of the parties, saying that they did not prevent her child from being injured.
Who would you blame here?, in this age of "Finger-pointing", I would sink the blame with the 11 y/o boy who climbed the darn tree in the first place.
What's your opinion on this